A cosa è servita la ricerca animale
La Fondazione per la Ricerca Biomedica, nel 2001, aveva rilasciato un rapporto sui risultati ottenuti grazie anche alla sperimentazione animale. Qui riproponiamo la short list delle principali scoperte (ovviamente ferma al 2001) presentata nel rapporto.
1726 First Measurement of Blood Pressure (Horse)
1790 Vaccine for Smallpox Developed (Cow)
1880 Vaccine for Anthrax Developed (Sheep)
1888 Vaccine for Rabies Developed (Dog, Rabbit)
1902 Malarial Life Cycle Discovered (Pigeon) – Nobel
1905 Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis Discovered (Cow, Sheep) – Nobel
1919 Mechanisms of Immunity Discovered (Guinea Pig, Horse, Rabbit) – Nobel
1923 Insulin Discovered (Dog, Fish) – Nobel
1928 Pathogenesis of Typhus Discovered (Guinea Pig, Rat, Mouse) – Nobel
1929 Vitamins Supporting Nerve Growth Discovered (Chicken) – Nobel
1932 Function of Neurons Discovered (Cat, Dog) – Nobel
1933 Vaccine for Tetanus Developed (Horse)
1939 Anticoagulants Developed (Cat)
1942 The Rh Factor Discovered (Monkey)
1943 Vitamin K Discovered (Rat, Dog, Chick, Mouse) – Nobel
1945 Penicillin Tested (Mouse) – Nobel
1954 Polio Vaccine Developed (Mouse, Monkey) – Nobel
1956 Open Heart Surgery and Cardiac Pacemakers Developed (Dog)
1964 Regulation of Cholesterol Discovered (Rat) – Nobel
1968 Rubella Vaccine Developed (Monkey)
1970 Lithium Approved (Rat, Guinea Pig)
1973 Animal Social and Behavior Patterns Discovered (Bee, Fish, Bird ) – Nobel
1982 Treatment for Leprosy Developed (Armadillo)
1984 Monoclonal Antibodies Developed (Mouse) – Nobel
1989 Organ Transplantation Advances Developed (Dog, Sheep, Cow, Pig) – Nobel
1992 Laproscopic Surgical Techniques Developed (Pig)
1995 Gene Transfer for Cystic Fibrosis Developed (Mouse, Non-Human Primate)
2000 Brain Signal Transduction Discovered (Mouse, Rat, Sea Slug) – Nobel
2001 Promising Drug for Prevention of AIDS Developed (Monkey)